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Want a sounding board, and additional hosting and facilitation tips? Sign up for a 30-minute Coaching Call + 1 hour webinar ($50)

We’ve worked with pastors looking to deepen relationships within their congregations, and faith leaders who wish to connect across religious lines. We’ve worked with teachers and staff at local schools, looking to bring together students, parents, teachers, alumni, and administrative and custodial staff: folks who walk the same hallways, but know little of each other’s stories. We’ve worked with librarians and conference organizers who want to spark conversations that go beyond the weather and our business cards. We’ve worked helped folks bring together local firefighters, police officers, social workers, and civil servants, to get to know each other more deeply as people. We’ve worked to create healing spaces among people in caring professions, depleted by constantly having to be “on,” and mistrustful of one another despite working toward a common end. And we’ve worked with ordinary people, who simply want to get to know their neighbors.

Sound like you?